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Discover the Top 10 Must-Visit Places in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
June 4, 2024

Discover the Top 10 Must-Visit Places in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Posted on June 4, 2024  •  9 minutes  • 1891 words
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Welcome to Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka’s ancient city filled with rich history and breathtaking temples. Located in the North Central Province, Anuradhapura is a treasure trove of culture and heritage waiting to be explored. Most visitors love to come between December and March, when the weather is perfect for sightseeing. However, no matter when you visit, there’s always something to see and do in this remarkable city. In this article, we’ll guide you through the top 10 must-visit places that will make your trip unforgettable. So pack your bags, and let’s start our journey through Anuradhapura!

10 best things to see in Anuradhapura

10. Abhayagiriya Monastery

When you visit Anuradhapura, make sure to explore the Abhayagiriya Monastery, a stunning ancient site that reveals the rich history and spiritual heart of Sri Lanka. This vast complex dates back to the 1st century BC and offers impressive stupas, intriguing ruins, and a serene atmosphere. To get there, you can easily take a tuk-tuk or rent a bicycle from the city center. Once you arrive, wear respectful clothing covering your shoulders and knees, as it is a sacred site. Remember to take off your shoes before entering the temple area. Keep an eye out for the beautiful moonstones and intricate carvings that showcase the artistry of ancient Sri Lankan craftsmanship.

9. Ranmasu Uyana

When you visit Anuradhapura, don’t miss a trip to Ranmasu Uyana, also known as the Royal Garden. This ancient park offers a serene escape with its lush greenery and soothing water features. It’s an excellent place to relax and soak in the rich history and culture of Sri Lanka. To get there, you can take a tuk-tuk or a short drive from the city center. Keep an eye out for the famous star gate, an enigmatic rock carving that has sparked many fascinating theories. Also, pay attention to the ancient bathing ponds and intricate stone carvings that add to the park’s mystique.

8. Isurumuniya Temple

When visiting Anuradhapura, you should definitely stop by the Isurumuniya Temple. This ancient temple, built in the 3rd century BC, is famous for its beautiful rock carvings and peaceful atmosphere. One highlight is the “Isurumuniya Lovers” sculpture, a stunning piece of ancient art that you must see. To get there, you can take a tuk-tuk or rent a bicycle from the city center. It’s just a short ride away. Make sure to dress modestly and remove your shoes before entering, as it’s a sacred place. Don’t forget your camera—this temple offers excellent photo opportunities with its historic architecture and serene surroundings.

7. Ruwanwelisaya Stupa

When you’re in Anuradhapura, visiting the Ruwanwelisaya Stupa is a must. This ancient stupa is one of the most important and sacred sites in Sri Lanka, symbolizing the rich history and culture of the area. It’s a massive white dome that stands out against the sky, making it a breathtaking sight. You can easily reach Ruwanwelisaya by hiring a tuk-tuk from any part of Anuradhapura, or even by renting a bicycle if you enjoy a leisurely ride. Once there, remember to dress modestly, covering your shoulders and knees, and remove your shoes as a sign of respect. Don’t forget to bring some flowers to offer, as this is a common practice among visitors. The serene atmosphere and historical significance of Ruwanwelisaya will leave you in awe, making it a highlight of your trip to Anuradhapura.

6. Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi

When you visit Anuradhapura, a trip to Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi is a must. This sacred fig tree is one of the oldest living trees with a known planting date and has great significance in Buddhism. It was brought from India over 2,000 years ago and is believed to be a branch of the tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment. To get there, you can take a tuk-tuk or taxi from the city center, just a short drive away. When visiting, dress modestly and remove your shoes as a sign of respect. Be prepared to see many locals engaging in prayer and rituals, adding to the spiritual atmosphere of this historic site.

5. Twin Baths (Kuttam Pokuna)

When visiting Anuradhapura, you definitely should not miss the Twin Baths, also known as Kuttam Pokuna. These ancient bathing pools are an impressive example of engineering and artistry from the Anuradhapura period. The sight of these perfectly symmetrical baths surrounded by lush greenery provides a peaceful and picturesque setting. To get to the Twin Baths, you can easily catch a tuk-tuk or hire a bicycle from Anuradhapura city center, which is just a short ride away. While exploring the site, be sure to pay attention to the intricate stone carvings and the unique methods of ancient water management. The early mornings or late afternoons are the best times to visit, as the temperatures are cooler and you can enjoy a more tranquil experience without the midday crowds.

4. Samadhi Buddha Statue

When you visit Anuradhapura, you definitely should see the Samadhi Buddha Statue. This serene statue shows Buddha in deep meditation and is considered one of the best examples of ancient Sri Lankan art. The calm and peaceful expression on the statue’s face can be truly inspiring. To get there, you can easily hire a tuk-tuk or take a taxi from the city center. If you prefer public transport, there are buses that go near the site. Make sure to wear respectful clothing that covers your shoulders and knees, as this is a sacred place. Also, don’t forget to take off your shoes when approaching the statue to show respect. Enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and take some time to reflect while you’re there.

3. Moonstone (Sandakada Pahana)

When visiting Anuradhapura, make sure to check out the Moonstone, also known as Sandakada Pahana. This ancient, beautifully carved stone is a unique symbol of Sri Lankan architecture and tells stories from centuries past. You’ll be amazed by its intricate designs and historical significance. To get there, you can hire a tuk-tuk or take a local bus from the city center; it’s a short and easy trip. When you arrive, pay attention to the details carved into the stone, like the animals and lotus flowers, which represent different stages of life in Buddhist culture. Don’t forget your camera, as this is a site you’ll want to remember!

2. Lovamahapaya

When you visit Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka, you must see Lovamahapaya, also known as the Brazen Palace. This ancient structure is a great spot to explore Sri Lanka’s rich history and architectural beauty. Originally built in the 2nd century BC, it once had over a thousand rooms and nine stories, serving as a monastery for monks. Today, you can see its stone pillars, which give you an idea of its grand past. To get there, you can easily take a tuk-tuk or a bike from the city center. Make sure to visit early in the morning to avoid the midday heat and wear comfortable shoes, as you might do a lot of walking. Also, remember to dress modestly out of respect for this historic site.

1. Thuparamaya Stupa

Visiting Thuparamaya Stupa in Anuradhapura is a must for anyone exploring Sri Lanka’s rich history and culture. Built in the 3rd century BC, it is the oldest stupa in the country and holds the sacred collarbone relic of Lord Buddha. To get there, you can take a bus or hire a tuk-tuk from the Anuradhapura city center, which is about 3 kilometers away. When you arrive, be sure to dress modestly and remove your shoes, as this is a deeply revered site. Don’t miss the stunning ancient architecture and the serene atmosphere that offers a glimpse into Sri Lanka’s spiritual heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time of the year to visit Anuradhapura?

The best time to visit Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, is from April to September. During these months, the weather is relatively dry and pleasant, making it ideal for exploring the ancient ruins and historical sites without the discomfort of heavy rains. July and August are particularly great as they coincide with the Poson festival, a significant Buddhist event that fills the city with vibrant celebrations. If you’re looking to save money, consider visiting during the off-peak months of October to March. Although you might experience occasional showers, you’ll find fewer tourists and more affordable accommodations and travel deals. This can be a great way to enjoy Anuradhapura while sticking to a budget.

2. Should I rent a car in Anuradhapura?

Renting a car in Anuradhapura can be a good idea, but there are a few things to consider. The roads in Anuradhapura are generally in good condition, but traffic can get busy, especially around popular tourist sites. Finding parking can sometimes be tricky near the main attractions. On the other hand, public transport is available with buses that can take you to most places, but they might not be the most comfortable or timely. Taxis and tuk-tuks are also a convenient option and can be found easily for shorter trips. If you prefer convenience and flexibility, renting a car might be the best choice for you.

3. What are different ways to get to Anuradhapura?

Getting to Anuradhapura is quite easy with several options available. If you’re flying in, the nearest airport is the Bandaranaike International Airport in Colombo. From there, you can catch a bus or a train directly to Anuradhapura. Buses are frequent, with both public and private services running throughout the day. If you prefer trains, there are daily services from Colombo Fort Railway Station; the journey takes about 4-5 hours. For those who enjoy driving, Anuradhapura is well-connected by road. You can drive from major cities like Colombo, Kandy, or Jaffna. The drive from Colombo via the A9 highway takes around 4 hours. Whichever way you choose, getting to Anuradhapura is straightforward and offers beautiful views along the way.

4. Are there things to do with children in Anuradhapura?

Yes, there are plenty of things to do with children in Anuradhapura! This ancient city in Sri Lanka is not only full of history but also offers a range of activities that can be fun for kids. You can start with a visit to the sacred sites like the Ruwanwelisaya Stupa and the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi tree, where kids can learn about Buddhism in a peaceful setting. There are also beautiful parks like Ranmasu Uyana where children can enjoy open spaces and see interesting ancient ruins. Don’t forget to take a bike ride around the city – it’s an enjoyable way to explore and stay active! Additionally, many local shops and restaurants offer delicious Sri Lankan food that kids are likely to enjoy. So, Anuradhapura is definitely a family-friendly destination!

5. Is Anuradhapura safe to travel to?

Anuradhapura is generally a safe place to travel to, with a welcoming atmosphere for tourists. Like in any city, it’s important to be cautious, especially in crowded areas and popular tourist spots. While serious crimes are rare, there can be instances of petty theft or scams. To stay safe, keep your valuables out of sight, be aware of your surroundings, and avoid displaying large amounts of money. It’s also wise to use reputable transportation and guides to further ensure your safety. By following these simple precautions, you can have an enjoyable and trouble-free visit to Anuradhapura.

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