Vacatical: Discover, Plan, Wander
Discover the 10 Best Places to Visit in Halong Bay, Vietnam
June 4, 2024

Discover the 10 Best Places to Visit in Halong Bay, Vietnam

Posted on June 4, 2024  •  10 minutes  • 1919 words
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Welcome to Halong Bay, Vietnam, a breathtaking destination that attracts travelers from all corners of the globe. Known for its emerald waters, towering limestone islands, and unique natural beauty, Halong Bay offers an unforgettable experience. Most visitors flock here during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is pleasantly cool and dry. However, there is truly something magical to discover all year round. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a nature lover, or someone looking to relax, Halong Bay has diverse attractions that will make your visit unforgettable. Join us as we explore the 10 best places to visit in this stunning locale!

10 best things to see in Halong Bay

10. Sung Sot Cave

Sung Sot Cave, also known as Surprise Cave, is a must-visit destination while you’re exploring Halong Bay. This incredible cave is known for its impressive stalactites and stalagmites that create breathtaking natural sculptures. To visit Sung Sot Cave, you’ll need to join a Halong Bay cruise or tour that includes a stop at the cave. Most tours will provide transportation to the bay and then a boat ride to the cave’s entrance. Once you arrive, be ready to climb a number of steps to reach the cave’s entrance, so wear comfortable shoes. Inside, the cave is well-lit, revealing its stunning beauty, but be mindful of slippery areas. Don’t forget to bring a camera to capture the amazing views both inside the cave and of the bay from the lookout point.

9. Dau Go Cave

Dau Go Cave is a must-visit gem in Halong Bay that you shouldn’t miss. This stunning cave is famous for its impressive stalactites and stalagmites, which have formed over millions of years, creating a breathtaking underground landscape. To get there, you can easily book a boat tour from the Halong Bay tourist docks. These tours often include a stop at Dau Go Cave, along with other highlights of the bay. Once inside the cave, be sure to look out for the “wooden stakes” that give the cave its name; according to legend, they were used to defeat invading Mongols in the 13th century. Remember to wear comfortable shoes, as the path can be a bit slippery. Enjoy the natural beauty and the cool, mysterious atmosphere of this ancient wonder!

8. Cua Van Floating Village

Cua Van Floating Village is a must-see when you visit Halong Bay. This picturesque village is unique because it floats on water, offering a glimpse into the traditional way of life for local fishermen. To get there, you can take a boat from Halong City or join a guided tour, which usually includes stops at other beautiful spots in the bay. Pay attention to the fascinating stilt houses and floating schools, and don’t miss the chance to interact with the friendly villagers. Remember to bring your camera to capture the stunning scenery and vibrant colors of this charming, floating community.

7. Bai Tu Long Bay

If you’re visiting Halong Bay, don’t miss the chance to explore Bai Tu Long Bay. It’s quieter and less crowded than Halong Bay, offering a more peaceful and authentic experience. You’ll see stunning limestone karsts and crystal-clear waters, making it perfect for kayaking and swimming. To get there, you can take a bus or private car from Hanoi to Halong City, then a boat or cruise to Bai Tu Long Bay. Look for cruises that specifically mention Bai Tu Long Bay to ensure you get the full experience. Remember to bring sunscreen and a camera to capture the beautiful scenery!

6. Ti Top Island

When visiting Halong Bay, a stop at Ti Top Island is a must. This charming island is known for its stunning views, pristine beach, and adventurous hike. To get there, you can take a boat tour from the main Halong Bay port. These tours often include a visit to Ti Top Island as part of their itinerary. Once on the island, you can hike up to the top for a breathtaking panoramic view of the bay. Remember to wear comfortable shoes for the hike and bring plenty of water. The beach is perfect for a relaxing swim or simply basking in the sun. Don’t forget your camera—this island offers some of the best photo opportunities in Halong Bay!

5. Me Cung Cave

When visiting Halong Bay, you should definitely take the time to explore Me Cung Cave. This beautiful cave, also known as Maze Cave, offers intricate rock formations and stunning stalactites that will leave you in awe. To get there, you can book a boat tour from the main harbor in Halong City. These tours usually include several stops, with Me Cung Cave being one of the highlights. Once you arrive at the cave, be prepared for a short but steep climb to the entrance. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a flashlight, as parts of the cave can be dimly lit. Inside, you’ll find hidden chambers and unique rock patterns that make the visit truly special. Don’t forget to look out for the ancient artifacts and fossils that add to the cave’s historical charm.

4. Thien Cung Cave

Thien Cung Cave is a must-visit when you’re at Halong Bay because of its stunning beauty and fascinating history. The cave is filled with intricate stalactites and stalagmites that create a magical atmosphere, like a natural wonderland. To get there, you can take a boat tour from the main dock at Halong Bay. Most boat tours include a stop at Thien Cung Cave, so it’s quite convenient. When visiting, be sure to wear comfortable shoes as you’ll need to walk through uneven and sometimes slippery paths. Also, bring a camera to capture the cave’s breathtaking scenery. Don’t miss the chance to explore this natural marvel!

3. Lan Ha Bay

If you’re visiting Halong Bay, don’t miss the chance to explore nearby Lan Ha Bay. It’s like a hidden gem with fewer crowds and unspoiled beauty. Lan Ha Bay has over 300 islands and is great for activities like kayaking and snorkeling. To get there, you can take a boat from Cat Ba Island, which is easily reachable by ferry from Hai Phong. When planning your trip, remember that the best time to visit is between October and April for pleasant weather. Also, consider hiring a local guide to help you discover secret spots and enjoy a smooth journey.

2. Bai Chay Beach

When you visit Halong Bay, be sure to make a stop at Bai Chay Beach. This beautiful beach offers a perfect spot to relax with its golden sand and clear waters. It’s a great way to unwind after exploring the stunning limestone karsts of Halong Bay. To get there, you can take a taxi or rent a motorbike from the city center; it’s just a short drive away. Keep an eye out for the nearby water park and amusement park, perfect for a family day out. Don’t forget to bring sunscreen and stay hydrated, as it can get pretty hot, especially in the summer months. Enjoy the fresh seafood from local vendors, and soak in the beautiful coastal scenery.

1. Cat Ba Island

When visiting Halong Bay, a trip to Cat Ba Island is a must. This beautiful island offers a perfect mix of adventure and relaxation with its stunning beaches, lush forests, and vibrant nightlife. You can get there by taking a ferry from Tuan Chau Island or Hai Phong City, which is just a short journey away. On your visit, don’t miss out on exploring the Cat Ba National Park for some excellent hiking and wildlife spotting. Also, make sure to check out the Hospital Cave, a historic site used during the Vietnam War. Just remember to watch the ferry schedules and bring enough cash, as ATMs can be limited on the island.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time of the year to visit Halong Bay?

The best time of the year to visit Halong Bay is from October to April. During these months, the weather is pleasant with cooler temperatures and less humidity, making it ideal for cruising and outdoor activities. March and April are particularly lovely, with gentle sunshine and calm seas. If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly option, consider visiting during the summer months of May to September. While this is the rainy season and can be quite hot, you’ll find fewer tourists and potentially lower prices for accommodations and tours. Just be prepared for occasional showers and humid conditions!

2. Should I rent a car in Halong Bay?

If you’re wondering whether to rent a car in Halong Bay, consider the road, traffic, and parking situation. The roads in Halong Bay are generally in good condition, but traffic can get quite busy, especially during peak tourist seasons. Parking is often limited and can be difficult to find near popular attractions. Moreover, renting a car means dealing with local driving customs, which can be stressful if you’re not used to them. On the other hand, public transport options like buses are available, though they may not be the most convenient for exploring all the nooks and crannies of the region. Taxis are another option and are fairly easy to find, offering a hassle-free way to get around without worrying about parking or driving in traffic.

3. What are different ways to get to Halong Bay?

Getting to Halong Bay is quite easy and there are a few ways to do it. If you’re flying, the closest airport is Van Don International Airport, which is about 50 km away. Another option is Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, which is around 170 km away. From these airports, you can take a bus or book a private transfer. Traveling by bus is also popular, with many companies offering services from Hanoi to Halong Bay. The journey takes about 3-4 hours. Although there is no direct train to Halong Bay, you can take a train to Hai Phong and then continue your journey by bus or taxi. If you prefer driving, you can rent a car or book a taxi. From Hanoi, you can take the new Hanoi-Hai Phong Expressway, which will take about 2.5-3 hours. Enjoy your trip!

4. Are there things to do with children in Halong Bay?

Yes, there are plenty of things to do with children in Halong Bay! The area is a natural playground with many exciting activities for kids. You can take a family-friendly cruise through the bay, where your children can enjoy the stunning views of the limestone islands. Many cruises offer fun activities like kayaking, swimming, and squid fishing, which are sure to keep kids entertained. There are also beach areas where children can play and build sandcastles. Don’t miss out on exploring the colorful caves, like Sung Sot (Surprise Cave), where your little ones can marvel at the amazing rock formations. Halong Bay is a wonderful place for family adventures and creating lasting memories.

5. Is Halong Bay safe to travel to?

Halong Bay is generally safe for travelers, attracting many tourists each year with its stunning scenery and unique geography. However, like any popular destination, it’s wise to stay cautious. Petty crimes like pickpocketing or minor scams can happen, especially in crowded or tourist-heavy areas. To ensure a safe trip, keep your valuables out of sight, stay aware of your surroundings, and avoid displaying large amounts of money. By taking these simple precautions, you can fully enjoy your visit to this beautiful and enchanting bay.

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